Inici / Origin denominations /
Qualified Origin Denomination
Major 2. 43737 Torroja del Priorat

Technical specs
Grape varieties
Garnatxa Blanca, Macabeu, Pedro Ximémez, Chenin, Moscatell d’Alexandria, Moscatell de Gra Petit, Pansal, Picapoll Blanc and Viognier.
Garnatxa, Carinyena, Garnatxa Peluda, Ull de Llebre, Picapoll Negre, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Pinot Noir, Merlot and Sirah.
The name, Priorat has been linked to wine since ancient times. The region’s soil, climate, the lay of the land and the hard work of the men and women who have made wine using traditional methods, now helped by new technology adapted to current needs for quality, have all resulted in a unique and exclusive product: Priorat wine. The Cartoixa (Carthusian Monastery) of Scala Dei represents the birthplace of wines and wine-making in the DOQ Priorat region. The Carthusian monks brought from Provence in the 12th century the knowledge and techniques to develop a winegrowing culture that established itself firmly and has evolved over the centuries.The Carthusians’ lands made up the historic Priorat area which today forms the DOQ Priorat wine region.
The tortuous geography of this area means that many vineyards are worked as “costers” (Catalan word meaning steep slope) which are so steep than in some areas terraces have been built. Some of these terraces are so narrow that there is only space for two rows of vines, meaning that the vineyard cannot be worked with farm machinery. The resulting landscape, which these vineyards provide us with are one of the defining characteristics of the Priorat, giving it a distinctive personality.

Consell Regulador of DOQ Priorat certifies the origin and traceability of wines produced in the 115 wineries within DOQ Priorat. Moreover, Consell Regulador has its own classification system known as “The Names of the Land”, which highlights the origin of wines. Within this system, this classification allows us to determine the origin according to the terms “Vila”, “Paratge”, “Vinya Classificada” and “Gran Vinya Classificada”, as well as “Vinyes Velles”.

El Consell Regulador de la DOQ Priorat certifica l’origen i la traçabilitat dels vins elaborats des dels 115 cellers de la DOQ Priorat. A més, el Consell Regulador disposa d’un sistema de classificació propi anomenat “Els noms de la terra”, que posa l’accent a l’origen dels vins que elaboren els cellers. En el marc del projecte de traçabilitat i classificació “Els noms de la terra” la classificació permet determinar l’origen a partir de “vi de vila”, “vi de paratge”, “vi de vinya classificada” i “vi de gran vinya classificada”, a més de les “velles vinyes”.